Monday, February 15, 2010

Reason #37: Southwest Airlines

It's been all over Twitter, the blogosphere, and now major news outlets--director/actor Kevin Smith got sizeable fat ass booted from a Southwest Airlines flight this weekend. The reason: the pilot felt Mr. Smith was so fat that if he were allowed to remain in his seat, he could possibly bring the entire airplane down in a big ball of fat-fueled fire. If you know Smith from his movies (he's best known as the Silent Bob character in his movies), you know he's overweight, but he's not Jabba the Hutt big. He could get the armrests down just fine (didn't spill out over or ooze under them), buckle the belt without one of those Extend-O-Belt things, and the plane didn't list to the side from his weight. Hugely unfair, and it's been an entertaining saga to follow as he tweets about it. Still, I can't help but think that there but for the grace of God goes my big fat keester.

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